The Legacy We Inherited

C & C Joint Printing Co., (HK) Ltd., a familiar name, bring our memory to the previous centuries when our two predecessor companies, Chung Hwa Book Company and the Commercial Press, set up in China in 1924 and 1897 respectively. The printing arms of the two companies were merged to create C & C Joint Printing Co., (HK) Ltd. in 1980.
Commercial Press was established in 1897 in Shanghai. In the same year, a printing factory was set up, using simple printing presses and machines manufactured by its own as first and later equipped itself with advanced equipment and printing technology at that time. The Catchick Street printing facility in Hong Kong was set up in 1924 and was moved to newer plant in North Point in 1933.
Chuang Hwa Book Company was created in 1912 and the print shop was set up in the next year. Its Juzhen Fangsong fonts were highly acclaimed in China and abroad at that time. When the government issued its banknotes for the first time in 1935, the printing housed of Chung Hwa Book Company was a major production factory. Before long, a new printing facility was established in Tokwawan, Kowloon in 1933.
C & C Joint Printing Co., (HK) Ltd inherited the fine tradition of the two publishing and printing giants developed itself over the years into one of largest and most prestigious printers in the Greater China Region. 2010 marks our 30th anniversary of excellence. C&C will continue to improve its brand image by using creativity and innovation for sustainable development.